Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Photography Blog

Hey guys, I just made a photography blog. I'm trying to find ways to get my name out there - hopefully haha. But if you guys could be my first followers I'd really appreciate it!!! the link is:

Thanks!! :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Again- haven't updated in a long time. But hello again :)

School has been alright, nothing too interesting there. I've been thinking about all my career options lately, and there's so many, I don't really know what to go with anymore lol! I've been getting a lot more into photography as well these days, and I love it. God's beauty is prevalent everywhere we go on this earth - whether it is in alleyways of a city or the highest mountains or just the look on someone's face or a butterfly landing on a flower. I'll never be able to capture the beauty of creation as well as how I see it, but at least to be able to make it look neat and noticing the small things in life is really cool :) Also, I've been wanting to learn another language, maybe French. I don't think I'll be able to take classes for that, but I think I want to teach myself over the summer or something.
Oh, and I'm thinking about joining the Peace Corps or something like it after I graduate :) I think it'll broaden my horizons a lot, and it's pretty much exactly what I would want to do with my life if I didn't choose archaeology, photography, or language teaching/interpreting or something. It involves living in another country and working with people and loving them as Christ loves me.

Some things to pray for:
Lately I've been kind of in a rut school-wise, and I haven't exactly doing the best I know I can do. :/ Also, church wise I haven't been to church in about 4 weeks because of sickness and being gone, and that does nothing for my relationship with God. I'm going to work on that though, and if you guys could pray for me that would be great :) And by the way, I'm still kind of not sure about what church to go to. So there's another thing haha.

Love you all! :D

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hey ya'll ;)

dang we haven't kept these up have we? a lot has been going on lately - a lot of school, and a lot of crap too. I've been changing churches, and i still haven't found one yet - i'm in between two right now, but i haven't exactly been praying about it so i don't even know. if you guys could just pray for me to balance out my time between church, school, and entertainment that would be awesome. i spend too much time procrastinating and then my school work is crappy, and then i don't have time to spend with God - and this is a cycle i've been going through for a while now - and i'm feeling spiritually dead like this. also, since i don't have a church home i'm kind of like a floater so that doesn't help much either. other than that though, i'm pretty good - i CANNOT wait until this wednesday, because then i'll be done with tests - at least for another week or so. alrighty, gotta go to one of the churches i'm lookin at lol - bye! love you guys, miss you!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life. In Anna's Perspective.

Hey guys, it's been a while, hasn't it?

Things are going well, I've been praying about the church and what to do today we didn't actually go to the service, but we went to this Sunday School class that was really awesome - and we actually learned something for once. it was amazing. :) we're studying Judges - so much to learn in that book! About the services though, I still don't know what we're going to do...we're still trying to figure that out. Another thing with this is since we feel separated from the church, we're kind of getting separated from our friends at the church, which is really sad. I love the people there, but I guess subconciously it's like they're part of something that I don't agree with, so I guess the separation is probably partly my fault too. But it seems like they have their own little groups now and I don't quite belong to any of them anymore - I don't know if this is God's way of telling me that I need to leave, but then today we had an amazing time at the Sunday School. So, I don't know. Just pray for that please. I'm hanging out with Kathy on Tuesday, so hopefully we'll be able to have some quality time.

Other than that, just STUDYING. I'm taking a break right now, but i need to get back to studying soon. I have three tests tomorrow, and they're all beasts - the Greek one in particular. So hopefully I'll do alright on all of them - pray for me that I would be focused please. thanks! Love you guys, and miss you!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

WOW i haven't updated in a long time!!

So, sorry for the above statement...i somehow forgot about this place...don't know why. weird.

Anyway, i have one week left of Summer B at UF, and it's been awesome!! my roommates are so cool, and we got done painting my room in the house. and next weekend, I move in!!! and then...i go home for a week or so, and then head back up for Fall semester. cannot WAIT for everybody to come back!!! and football season of course ;)

Let's see...i went to my cousin's wedding in Chicago a few weeks back - that was really cool. :)

and....i might possibly have the chance to go to Ethiopia next spring!! still a maybe though - not set in stone or anything.

oh! and me and my cousin Hope want to take a hiking trip in the Appalachians or to the west coast - so we're figuring that out.

other than that, just hanging out with friends, today we're cleaning the room in my house, and im doing laundry...later we're prob going to watch sweet home alabama with the roomies. YAY!

I MISS YOU PEOPLE!!!! emily, who is in rwanda - hope you're having yourself a flipping BLASTY BLAST, and britt in TN, you too missy, and let me know how your neighbor is! Abby in Venezuela, you are an awesomely awesome person and i miss your face!! dang...everybody's in different places. craziness. but anyway, hope everyone's doing well, love you guys!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May Madness.

So in May, i got out of college, met some europeans, my two best friends left on separate trips, but one is back now YAY, and hung out with people from high school. oh! and i might be going to a 3 doors down concert with em. :D yay! which i think we should TOTALLY do it. and then in june, i have like 2 weeks, and then i leave again for college, and i have 2 random roommates who are sisters - i hope it works out good. and then in august i move into my HOUSE!!!!!! :D and that's about all in my life right now. i went to gainesville this past weekend, hung out with people, it was fuuuunnn :)

some things to pray about this month:

Scott's grandpa just died yesterday :( they're going through a tough time, so just pray for them and for strength.

Daron - he's getting better, he has most of his thinking back praise the Lord, but he's still in a lot of pain.

My brother Kenny - that he wouldn't make stupid decisions in Italy.

But anyway, thanks guys!!! and yes. May. we have like 10 or 11 days left of it. so ENJOY it while you can.....MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

i don't really know.
but. i love you guys, and see ya latah!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the chicken and the chipmunk played hide and seek.

i took 2 tests today. LAST DAY OF CLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 more tests tho haha ;)

but still.
im pretty freaking excited if i do say so myself. about the no class thing haha.