EVE!!!!!! and guessed CHRISTMAS!!!!
i haven't written a blog in a month.AHH!!! has been GREAT.
i've made a lot of new friends at college, and we've become really tight - which makes me happy. Because you guys know how i get around new shy, can't talk...all that good stuff haha. So God has blessed me a lot with good friends. :) And of guys - are FREAKING amazing. just to let you know. :)
So yea!!! not much else....umm...i'm glad to be home - taking a break from school...doing random stuff with friends....and.... Christmas!!!! :) It's Jesus's birthday, and it's time to celebrate all that God has given us. which is....A TON.
and yea!!! so i hope everyone has an AMAZING Christmas, and just remember that Jesus gave EVERYTHING for us so that we could have life in heaven.
Love you guys!
Anna Banana :D
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Dang....Tomorrow's December.
So it's been a good month. :)
A lot has happened, and everyone that reads this blog already knows what basically happened, so i don't have to reiterate it haha. is good.
Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day,
and even though we didn't really celebrate it (tomorrow is the day......OH soo we as Americans - even western caucasians for that matter - have a CRAZY amount to be thankful for.
And most of us take it for granted...which is sad.
We have food available to us whenever we want,
we have at least $20 available to us, which makes us richer than 2/3 of the world already,
we have homes,
we have families,
we have pets,
we don't have to work as children,
till high school, we have free education,
we have scholarships to help us get the non free education,
we have freedom of religion,
we have sanitary conditions,
we don't have crazy scary diseases,
we have medical care,
we can buy what we want,
we have freedom of speech,
we have internet,
we have phones,
we have electricity,
we have water,
and i can go onnn....and onn........and on.
But we have alllll this stuff.
And we take it for granted...and get used to it,
and don't think about how most people in the world live....
without a lot of the stuff on that list. and then we're like...oh...i can't afford to give to the poor. yeah right. crock of bull. i do this too, don't worry. i'm like....i can't afford to tithe. i'm a poor college student. but yet i can go to the mall and buy shoes or clothes. hmmm. that is my personal thing to work on - tithing - and giving to the people who need it anyone....ANYONE can give to the poor. it doesn't have to be money - it can be time. or in food.
talking to them.
helping an old lady cross a street.
does that cost any money?? i don't think so.
A lot has happened, and everyone that reads this blog already knows what basically happened, so i don't have to reiterate it haha. is good.
Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day,
and even though we didn't really celebrate it (tomorrow is the day......OH soo we as Americans - even western caucasians for that matter - have a CRAZY amount to be thankful for.
And most of us take it for granted...which is sad.
We have food available to us whenever we want,
we have at least $20 available to us, which makes us richer than 2/3 of the world already,
we have homes,
we have families,
we have pets,
we don't have to work as children,
till high school, we have free education,
we have scholarships to help us get the non free education,
we have freedom of religion,
we have sanitary conditions,
we don't have crazy scary diseases,
we have medical care,
we can buy what we want,
we have freedom of speech,
we have internet,
we have phones,
we have electricity,
we have water,
and i can go onnn....and onn........and on.
But we have alllll this stuff.
And we take it for granted...and get used to it,
and don't think about how most people in the world live....
without a lot of the stuff on that list. and then we're like...oh...i can't afford to give to the poor. yeah right. crock of bull. i do this too, don't worry. i'm like....i can't afford to tithe. i'm a poor college student. but yet i can go to the mall and buy shoes or clothes. hmmm. that is my personal thing to work on - tithing - and giving to the people who need it anyone....ANYONE can give to the poor. it doesn't have to be money - it can be time. or in food.
talking to them.
helping an old lady cross a street.
does that cost any money?? i don't think so.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
here comes.....NOVEMBER!!!!!!!
So, November started. Tuh, tuh, TODAY, juniah!!
It's my roommates birthday. :) we're making brownies for when she comes back yay!
;)'s been good!! Hmm...what has happened since the LSU game....
Oh! so we went to the haunted corn maze, and there were these freaky people with chainsaws scaring people was SCARY!!!! and THEN, we went on a haunted hayride. we thought, oh a hayride - this is little kid stuff. HOLY CRAP NOOO!!!!! So we get on it, and we pass all these things - there's like scenes of SAW and HANNIBAL places, like people carving people up....Crazy nasty scary stuff. AHHHH!! i kept my head down almost the whole time. ;) And then....scary people with chainsaws would come and JUMP on to the wagon thing, and be like right next to you!!! AHHH!! yeah. it was freaky. So yeah!! But it was fun...just very adrenaline rush - y.
And then after that - hmm....i don't really remember....i mean i know i did stuff- obviously- just can't remember specifically. Well anyways, halloweeen was very very fun - we went trick or treating a little bit, and we had some people off the office, marylin monroe, a flapper, sarah palin, ronaldinho, a fairy, a renaissance maiden, a zombie, 2 ninjas, some witches, a nerd, mrs. claus, scream, reese witherspoon on legally blonde, michael phelps, and a bunch of others lol. it was fun. we danced to the cha cha slide, drank eyeball and maggot punch, had halloweeny food, told real scary stories to each other, got scared by fake bats, and roamed around outside for like 2 seconds lol.
:) we have the GAME.....AHHHHH!!!! at 3:30, and then im off for the rest of the day! Yay! i have to do laundry technically - not off. dang. ;0) and tomorrow - we have church, and im not playing in the orchestra because i completely forgot about practice on wed lol.
OH!! and the panic at the disco, dashboard confessional, plain white tees, and the CAB(??) concert is Nov. 8!!!! so excited! :)
I miss everyone that reads this bloggy, and can't wait till 2 weeks from now!! right? 2 weeks from now? lol YAY!
It's my roommates birthday. :) we're making brownies for when she comes back yay!
;)'s been good!! Hmm...what has happened since the LSU game....
Oh! so we went to the haunted corn maze, and there were these freaky people with chainsaws scaring people was SCARY!!!! and THEN, we went on a haunted hayride. we thought, oh a hayride - this is little kid stuff. HOLY CRAP NOOO!!!!! So we get on it, and we pass all these things - there's like scenes of SAW and HANNIBAL places, like people carving people up....Crazy nasty scary stuff. AHHHH!! i kept my head down almost the whole time. ;) And then....scary people with chainsaws would come and JUMP on to the wagon thing, and be like right next to you!!! AHHH!! yeah. it was freaky. So yeah!! But it was fun...just very adrenaline rush - y.
And then after that - hmm....i don't really remember....i mean i know i did stuff- obviously- just can't remember specifically. Well anyways, halloweeen was very very fun - we went trick or treating a little bit, and we had some people off the office, marylin monroe, a flapper, sarah palin, ronaldinho, a fairy, a renaissance maiden, a zombie, 2 ninjas, some witches, a nerd, mrs. claus, scream, reese witherspoon on legally blonde, michael phelps, and a bunch of others lol. it was fun. we danced to the cha cha slide, drank eyeball and maggot punch, had halloweeny food, told real scary stories to each other, got scared by fake bats, and roamed around outside for like 2 seconds lol.
:) we have the GAME.....AHHHHH!!!! at 3:30, and then im off for the rest of the day! Yay! i have to do laundry technically - not off. dang. ;0) and tomorrow - we have church, and im not playing in the orchestra because i completely forgot about practice on wed lol.
OH!! and the panic at the disco, dashboard confessional, plain white tees, and the CAB(??) concert is Nov. 8!!!! so excited! :)
I miss everyone that reads this bloggy, and can't wait till 2 weeks from now!! right? 2 weeks from now? lol YAY!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Fall Fierceness ;)
GATORS BEAT LSU!!!! soooo great. :) the only sad thing was that my cousin i haven't seen since i was 8 was there, and we didn't see each other because we couldn't call :(. but i'll see him along with my other cousins this summer, so it's all good.
And... life's been good. :) I saw my pastor on TV yesterday - interesting lol. Oh and then i watched the last 20 mins of the Notebook and cried like a baby.
I cleaned my room today, it was pretty nasty. like you could almost not see the floor. it was bad. lol. but now it's pretty super clean - YAY!
I might be going to a fair tonight - not too sure lol. and then tomorrow me and my friend laura are going to die in the haunted corn maze.......AHH!!!! seriously.
And that's life right now lol. not too much goin on...doing laundry tomorrow, and going to the mall again to buy another orchestra outfit haha.
God is good. He's been w/me through life here, and has blessed me with a lot. :)
GATORS BEAT LSU!!!! soooo great. :) the only sad thing was that my cousin i haven't seen since i was 8 was there, and we didn't see each other because we couldn't call :(. but i'll see him along with my other cousins this summer, so it's all good.
And... life's been good. :) I saw my pastor on TV yesterday - interesting lol. Oh and then i watched the last 20 mins of the Notebook and cried like a baby.
I cleaned my room today, it was pretty nasty. like you could almost not see the floor. it was bad. lol. but now it's pretty super clean - YAY!
I might be going to a fair tonight - not too sure lol. and then tomorrow me and my friend laura are going to die in the haunted corn maze.......AHH!!!! seriously.
And that's life right now lol. not too much goin on...doing laundry tomorrow, and going to the mall again to buy another orchestra outfit haha.
God is good. He's been w/me through life here, and has blessed me with a lot. :)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
So i must update about this weekend. It has been.....AMAZING.
Friday -
I drove up to Cathy's, and we went to Sonic and got Strawberry Limeades along w/our food (yum) and then went to the concert!!! There were a lot of weird people there haha. There were goth girls in weird black dresses....and guys with stringy greasy hair wearing all black. a bunch of people were smoking too bleh lol. but we finally got in the doors, and got to our spot at the concert place - it was small, so we got really good spots. ;)
so we waited for like AN HOUR or more....but finally the concert started YAY, and it was fun!! Except. for the nasty smelly people that got more and more smelly as the night went on, and for the people moshing. thankfully i didn't get pushed around too much. :) Oh and there was this one guy who did a stage dive lol!!! hopefully he didn't get hurt....don't know though lol. But the band was AMAZING. Their cello playing is pretty awesome. And....the lead singer of Fuel was there!!!!! SOOOOO cool. :)
The only thing i didn't really care for was that i saw these people being all moved and obsessed by the BAND and the music, and i realized that they had put these people up soooo high and that the music is just that, music. So it didn't really have any meaning, and people were being like...crazy. i don't know. like it had no meaning for me - like at Christian concerts, everything has meaning, but this music has no meaning like that. you know what i mean? but then i was like, God, i am jamming out to this music for YOU, not for the band. and then it had meaning for me. :)
After the concert, we went and hung out at Scott's for a bit, and played some halo with his roommates. They're pretty nice, just CRAZY. they party all the time, so hopefully he isn't getting into that. They were going to a casino to gamble 20 bucks later...which is fine for now. i just hope it doesn't grow into an addiction. but anyway. it was still cool.
Saturday -
I woke up, and drove home. After that, i went to a football party at our college coordinator's house - Mrs. Sheryl - or "Numbers" ;) This kid James (hilarious) is making up nicknames for everyone, and mine is...Habba....Habba....HABBAKUK!!! lol. anyway, WE WON!!!! and a girl made "puppy chow", which is really really really good. :) and we had potato skins, cake, chips, soda, brownies, cookies....good stuff.
After that, me and my friend Shae went to the mall, and i bought an outfit for today YAY!! and she bought a fedora haha ;) Oh and we had Sbarro's and then had a double doosie at the cookie place, which is a cookie sandwich w/frosting in the middle yum. :)
Sunday -
Today was soooo much fun. :) I played in the orchestra at the church, and Shae came with me to church today, and then we all hung out afterwards for a while, and then went to lunch at SONNY'S!!!! there were 11 of us haha, celebrating Nicole's b-day tomorrow. Shae i guess can't go w/out food for too long, so she was getting really sick, but luckily the waitress gave us some crackers and a guy gave us some water. so she was better. and then our lunch was HILARIOUS. we talked about lip plumper being tingly and making lips POOF up like a balloon, and talked about native americans....and made up dances for everything haha. it was amazing.
And then tomorrow we're having a pajama dance night at nicole's for her birthday, and we're baking things. YAY!!!
Friday -
I drove up to Cathy's, and we went to Sonic and got Strawberry Limeades along w/our food (yum) and then went to the concert!!! There were a lot of weird people there haha. There were goth girls in weird black dresses....and guys with stringy greasy hair wearing all black. a bunch of people were smoking too bleh lol. but we finally got in the doors, and got to our spot at the concert place - it was small, so we got really good spots. ;)
so we waited for like AN HOUR or more....but finally the concert started YAY, and it was fun!! Except. for the nasty smelly people that got more and more smelly as the night went on, and for the people moshing. thankfully i didn't get pushed around too much. :) Oh and there was this one guy who did a stage dive lol!!! hopefully he didn't get hurt....don't know though lol. But the band was AMAZING. Their cello playing is pretty awesome. And....the lead singer of Fuel was there!!!!! SOOOOO cool. :)
The only thing i didn't really care for was that i saw these people being all moved and obsessed by the BAND and the music, and i realized that they had put these people up soooo high and that the music is just that, music. So it didn't really have any meaning, and people were being like...crazy. i don't know. like it had no meaning for me - like at Christian concerts, everything has meaning, but this music has no meaning like that. you know what i mean? but then i was like, God, i am jamming out to this music for YOU, not for the band. and then it had meaning for me. :)
After the concert, we went and hung out at Scott's for a bit, and played some halo with his roommates. They're pretty nice, just CRAZY. they party all the time, so hopefully he isn't getting into that. They were going to a casino to gamble 20 bucks later...which is fine for now. i just hope it doesn't grow into an addiction. but anyway. it was still cool.
Saturday -
I woke up, and drove home. After that, i went to a football party at our college coordinator's house - Mrs. Sheryl - or "Numbers" ;) This kid James (hilarious) is making up nicknames for everyone, and mine is...Habba....Habba....HABBAKUK!!! lol. anyway, WE WON!!!! and a girl made "puppy chow", which is really really really good. :) and we had potato skins, cake, chips, soda, brownies, cookies....good stuff.
After that, me and my friend Shae went to the mall, and i bought an outfit for today YAY!! and she bought a fedora haha ;) Oh and we had Sbarro's and then had a double doosie at the cookie place, which is a cookie sandwich w/frosting in the middle yum. :)
Sunday -
Today was soooo much fun. :) I played in the orchestra at the church, and Shae came with me to church today, and then we all hung out afterwards for a while, and then went to lunch at SONNY'S!!!! there were 11 of us haha, celebrating Nicole's b-day tomorrow. Shae i guess can't go w/out food for too long, so she was getting really sick, but luckily the waitress gave us some crackers and a guy gave us some water. so she was better. and then our lunch was HILARIOUS. we talked about lip plumper being tingly and making lips POOF up like a balloon, and talked about native americans....and made up dances for everything haha. it was amazing.
And then tomorrow we're having a pajama dance night at nicole's for her birthday, and we're baking things. YAY!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
So today at church, it was really cool. :) because guess what!!!???? i'm going to be in the orchestra hahaa!!!!! a friend introduced me to the lady that heads it up, and i told her i played clarinet and piano, and she said sure! just come on wed. nights before 43:10 and watch how we do things, and then you can start being in it!!!! AHHH soo excited. :) :) :) and then after that i might be able to get into the band..... yay!
but anyway, that's about it - not much else going on. went to eat lunch after church with kathy, geny, and laura, fun :) i have to clean my room!! again. lol, and then i'll prob. do something with daron and freddy if he's back yay. alright see you guys later!
but anyway, that's about it - not much else going on. went to eat lunch after church with kathy, geny, and laura, fun :) i have to clean my room!! again. lol, and then i'll prob. do something with daron and freddy if he's back yay. alright see you guys later!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
nvm lol
soo...nevermind that part. she didn't look super sick when i asked her for help, but she's gone to bed and couldn't eat yeah. i was just cranky and being a mer mer because i couldn't play my keyboard, which i'll have for like my whole entire life. one or 2 days of not playing it is NOT going to kill me.
ok sorry, just had to vent some. it worked by the way and i was just cranky. But, this week has been i'm hoping for a more restful day tomorrow, and daron and freddy are coming back tomorrow, so they can help me do everything that i have to to be able to have enough room for my keyboard. Oh but one good thing that happened this week is that i talked to this guy at another college majoring in missions, and he told me that anthropology is perfect for missions, because its the study of cultures and people. soo...i don't have to change my major, just change my focus and my classes. and then i talked to my professor of anthropology about classes to take for the major, and he told me i can mostly do both - just major in the classics and anthropology - which would be missions....and then i could do archaeology in between w/classics. so that's the update for today. See ya'll later....thanks for listening and sorry i was complaining a lot ;)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
GO GATORS!!!! honor of Sat.'s game, my blog is in blue & orange woop woop!!!!!!! I'm soooo super excited. I'm going to get one of those fro's that are half blue and half orange and wear it. along with a gator shirt and a whole bunch of other stuff. :)
So....this week has been really cool - i've met all my roommates and we get along really well. Also, none of us are partiers, so i'm really happy.
One thing that happened this week was that God has been putting this on my heart for a while, but i actually listened to Him yesterday and decided that i'm going to get out of anthropology as a major. I have no idea what God wants me to do, but He's made it clear. It's really weird, you guys's been my dream to be an archaeologist lol!!
So it'll definitely be an adjustment.
Just pray that I find something that God wants me to do and i don't go off on my own tangent. So in the next semester i'm going to take a variety of classes and see maybe something that God is calling me to.
And another thing that is hard for me is that since it's like my dream.....i've been struggling with the notion that i will never be able to do it ever....and i pray that sometime later i'll be able to. or at least in my free time.
So...that's what i've been going through this week....and english class is kinda boring. the subject's interesting enough, but the professor lady rambles lol!!
But...she's nice though. And, daron, and freddy had some time for ourselves tonight without anyone else, which was really good because it was just us, you know? the labelle crew. and they met my roommates, and we had fun going to publix and laughing at a car that parked worse than me....and taking pics of me in front of it haha!!!!
And....yeah! i met a girl from fort myers who's a christian and was homeschooled, so that was really cool. She's really nice. anddd........not much else has happened.
So....this week has been really cool - i've met all my roommates and we get along really well. Also, none of us are partiers, so i'm really happy.
One thing that happened this week was that God has been putting this on my heart for a while, but i actually listened to Him yesterday and decided that i'm going to get out of anthropology as a major. I have no idea what God wants me to do, but He's made it clear. It's really weird, you guys's been my dream to be an archaeologist lol!!
So it'll definitely be an adjustment.
Just pray that I find something that God wants me to do and i don't go off on my own tangent. So in the next semester i'm going to take a variety of classes and see maybe something that God is calling me to.
And another thing that is hard for me is that since it's like my dream.....i've been struggling with the notion that i will never be able to do it ever....and i pray that sometime later i'll be able to. or at least in my free time.
So...that's what i've been going through this week....and english class is kinda boring. the subject's interesting enough, but the professor lady rambles lol!!
But...she's nice though. And, daron, and freddy had some time for ourselves tonight without anyone else, which was really good because it was just us, you know? the labelle crew. and they met my roommates, and we had fun going to publix and laughing at a car that parked worse than me....and taking pics of me in front of it haha!!!!
And....yeah! i met a girl from fort myers who's a christian and was homeschooled, so that was really cool. She's really nice. anddd........not much else has happened.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Collegio woooolegio??? is cool. :) As it has been for the past like......3 days haha. On sun, we ate dinner and then chilled out after our parents left and then watched tropic thunder, mon we got up, ate breakfast, went to the gym, and then went and bowled and hung out with some of freddy's friends for the remainder of the night. oh and we saw alexa randomly at a restaurant haha. interesting lol. and tues.....we....didn't do very much......chilled out most of the day. well the guys went and played b-ball, but i would have been the only girl....kinda weird haha. so i talked to some italian and spanish friends....and met my roommate!! she's really cool....i think she's sleeping right now though. i felt bad, because we were all in my room hanging out and talking....and i didn't know she was sleeping. :( but then they left, so i'm here. :) went to criser hall to check on daron's financial stuff, checked out the buildings where my classes are, went to the movies again....watched the rocker (FUNNY movie) and went to checkers....and laughed a lot for some reason....forgot why lol. and then watched the olympics!! YAY! but that's about it! and.....i'm tired. soo.....goodnight!!!
Anna Banana :)
Anna Banana :)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Italy Blog here it is. it'll prob. be SUPER long, but oh well. :)
July 12 - So today I got to the airport, was REALLY nervous for a while, but then finally got my ticket and got through security and was alright. There were at first 2 snobby girls sitting beside me talking about seeing something gross while they were drunk. It was kind of annoying, but then they left and a Swiss lady sat next to me who spoke Spanish, and she was really nice. She even bought me a hot dog haha. Shes going back to Switzerland. Shes actually Haitian i think, and speaks like 5 languages. And then we got on the plane, and im sitting next to a guy from Honduras, going to Belgium. He's really nice and was telling me how they missed thier flight and they lost his luggage. :( Hes an international financial person - going to discuss free trade. And then in our row we have a 7? year old french girl who's eally cute, but doesn't speak english. we were trying to help her w/Soduko, but yeah. And then we got our food. it wasn't that great - i had fish because they ran out of beef. The sunset was AMAZING today. it was red then orange, then there was a strip of cloud...and then it went blue-green, and then almost electric blue. I didn't get a chance to get a picture, but it was beautiful.
July 13 - So....i missed my plane today for Florence because our plane from Miami to France was late. but it turned out pretty cool because i met this really nice Slovakian guy named David. :) We talked for about 2 hrs, waiting for our new flights. He studied english in Ft. Lauderdale. I didn't get his email or anything though. :( So now...Im pretty much on my own....I get into Florence @ like the lady i was supposed to meet will be gone. That means i have to get a train by myself to Castelfiorentino. Ahh!!! France is cool, I haven't been able to see much of it though, since i've just been in the airport.
After getting on the plane - we walked up steps - pretty sweet! i went to sleep and got off in florence. after that, i finally found a money-changing place w/the help of some new yorkers, got on a cab with a nice old taxi driver and got to the station. I waited in line for a while, but finally got a ticket for the train, and then i met up with 2 of my group!!! it was cool. i prob. wouldn't have made the train w/out their help. We took the train and some guy kept staring at me (kinda cute guy lol!) and then our team leaders met us there!! it was great! We have 10 people in our group - 13 with everybody. The place is SUPER nice, and everybody's pretty nice. I'm rooming with a lady named Kim. she's funny. :) We had dinner after getting situated and having a toast ( i drank tea lol). OH MY GOSH the food was M-AZING! Our cook is named Francesca - really nice and cooks really really good. We had pasta w/succhinni, cheese, tomatoes, bread, and for dessert a chestnut flour cake. Different, but goooood.
July 14- This morning we got up @ 7, had breakfast, and then learned about the excavation. we walked to the dig and started, which was pretty cool. Another team found walls and stuff, so we're continuing and digging up new stuff. We stopped at 1 because it was raining, and had lunch. It was also really good, except there was rice and seafood - weird seafood lol with little octopi in it haha. but then we were served eggplant, cucumbers, bread, cheese, and tomatoes with cheese. the tomatoes were GREAT. Now we're on break until 4:30, and then we wash and label pottery. :)
July 15-25 - Didn't write in these days....don't really know why lol. but we dug and dug and dug some more....i found pottery and walls....and more walls...and more walls!! ;) On the weekend, Sat. we went to Siena with me, lucy, and kim, AMAZING!!! we had pizza for lunch, and lucy bought 6 pairs of shoes lol! and then we went back....and on sun me and kim went to florence. we saw the duomo, santa croche, ponte vecchio and the pitti palace, but couldn't see david. and then the next week we did more digging, and got to know everybody. our team members were Kim, Lucy, Betsy, Paul, Montana, Elva, Ruth-Anne, Jane, Evelyn, and me. I liked Kim and Lucy the best. they were prob. the youngest, and the funniest too. Kim was always making jokes, and Lucy was the crazy one. she actually lives in italy - venice area. :) And then the staff were Marya - really really really nice, Benjamin - super cool but he was always messing with me gah lol, and Sabrina, also super cool. :) Oh and the second week i met the students - Yuri, Michele, and Valeria - italian, and Juan, Ague, Lara, and Pablo - spanish. SUPER COOL!!!!! we had sooooo much fun. we went to the pub one night, and they all got drunk and it was hilarious. i learned an italian drinking song there too - you say the month of your birthday and you stand up and everybody's singing (for example, me) april, april, si alchi si alchi!!! and then on. lol oh and you have to chug. so i chugged a coke haha. :)
it was a lot of fun. and then another day we went to San Gimignano - AMAZING town!!!! we went around, and got the best gelato EVER!!! and then kinda broke into a park haha....and went to an old tower that looked out over the city. it was beautiful.
July 26- Today was a nightmare. My flight got totally screwed up, so we - Montana, Elva, Ruth Anne and me - kept trying to call Cheaptickets, which sorta worked, but when we had to transfer to talk to Air France it disconnected. We called 7 times - and nothing worked. Also we tried to call the students - nothing worked. I did get ahold of my dad though and told him about it. I have to call him at about 2, and try to call the students again to get Benjamin or Delia's # to tell them i'm staying another week.
July 27th - So...this morning i went w/ montana tot eh airport and talked to this lady- and she fixed it!!!! i was like oh my gosh thank the Lord!! so now i don't have to sleep at the NY airport, and i get home the same day i leave - which is amazing. So...i'm in Florence by myself right now - at least until 5 - when i catch the train to Castelfiorentino again. so i'm gonna go to the internet place at like 10ish and check email, grap a bite to eat somewhere, call my dad, and just relax after that until my train to Castelfiorentino leaves at 5ish.
Dude - the dig was so much fun. sure there was hard work involved - and some tedious work,, but it was great, and i still want to be an archaeologist. :)
and the students are really cool - except i don't think they're Christians. maybe-maybe- Valeria, but that would be the only person. But they're a lot of fun, and mostly respect my wishes when drinking is concerned. i have tried sips of some stuff though lol.
We went to a pub in Monta Ione one night, and everybody was drunk except me. it was hilarious haha.
and San Gimignano was very very "romantic" italy. cool.
July 28 - Today was actually a good day. Except for almost not getting my luggage and being forgotten at the train station, i finaly found my way to Catignano and met up with everybody. it was really cool. :) And i got my luggage and found the taxi guy, so it all turned out allright. So they got me a bed, and a pillow and sheets - everything. it was amazing. i met the new group - not as commpletely diverse as mine, but good. I'm stayin w/the students now, so it should be interesting. :) Yuri and Agueda flirt way too much, but other than that its cool and everybody's a lot of fun. we went to the same bar as last week - not as lively this time haha!! but i had a Florida - nonalcoholic thing that wasn't that great lol. And i had a sip of Vale's "sex on the beach"lol, and juan's bailey's haha!!! other than joking a bit, not much else happened...oh i met this english girl - nice, but a bit shy. shyer than me anyway lol. but now im at the gym, and everybody's in bed. gnight!
July 29 - Today was a good day. we got up, went to the breakfast bar place, got ready to dig, and did more "pico y pala" haha!! and....energia, fantasia, muro muro muro!!!! lol. and we had a good lunch and had wild boar for dinner - SUPER good. and then we went to our 5 star hotel/palace haha, and the town has movies here on tues nights so we basically got kicked out. and finally the people are midnight. so we went and got gelato, played on a playground, and danced some lol. except juan got a call that his mom was w/someone new, and he said all her men are basically jerks - so he was pretty upset. he wanted to be alone, and said that ague didn't understand him. i felt really bad. :(
July 30 - Today was also a good day. Alex - British girl - found a shield piece and a spearhead - SUPER cool. i wish she would sit with us, but she doesn't. :( But we went to the internet twice - 1st we went to the library and saw beatrice and her boyfriend there, and then later went to castelfiorentino with michele, ague, and valeria. me and ague get along really really well, and we hang out alot. :) tomorrow....i have to pack woohoo!!
july 31 - This morning we ate at the bar again, and went to the dig. we got another place this time, so we actually found things. it was amazing. Pablo found aknife and i found remains of a blacksmith thingy and ceramics. and we got italian coffee today and pear juice - gooooood stuff. :) and then we went to get gelato and went to poggibonsi again, cool stuff. they made sangria today - i had a few sips of it. but we made a club in the room and danced and joked and i basically watched the entertainment. but it was really funny - pablo and yuri were dancing really funny and then the guys danced like old men haha!! and we did a conga line haha....and another time michele, valeria and i dressed in blue and danced to the blue was quite amazing. oh and we played soccer in the gym!!!
Aug 1 - That morning i got up, packed everything, and went with the students to the dig. we worked in the morning...i was in the cistern haha :) and then ate lunch and slept, and then in the afternoon worked again, and had to leave at 5. :( :( :(!!!! i said goodbye to everyone, and it was hard leaving all my italian and spanish friends...and the staff too. but me, vale, and michele all rode the train to florence, where vale was taking the train to venice to visit her family for the weekend and michele was meeting friends. i went to dinner with him and his friends after putting my luggage in the nunnery, and then realized i didn't have any money. we searched and searched for an atm or a bank that worked or that was open....and there were NONE. it was horrible. so i asked the nun to let me have a few more min. to find one, but we still couldn't find one....and the nun said i had 10 min to find a bank or else i had to stay somewhere else. AHH!! so finally michele and his friends loaned me money....70 euros!! that's like.....120 dollars. a lot. i am really grateful. and i said bye to them, and then stayed awake because i didn't want to oversleep....and then left for the airport in the morning in a taxi.
Aug. 2 - So i got up, left for the airport, and got my tickets to Paris, NY, and Miami. I left Florence and sat next to an italian girl, and we talked for a while, and i saw the Alps!!! SOOOO cool.....and then got to France and found my connecting flight to NY....and sat there for like 2 hours. this is when i saw the olympians from Senegal but didn't talk to them haha. I got on my flight and proceeded to sit next to a French guy that i don't think spoke english, but i talked to some italian guys next to him who were visiting new york. :) and i watched a whole bunch of movies on that flight too lol. at the end of the flight though, we had to circle over the airport in NY because of too much traffic and then bad weather, so we had to stop in Philly to get gas and wait till the weather got better. soo....we stayed there for like 3 hrs.....and then flew to NY. by then i'd already missed my plane, so i had to get another one....which was for the next morning haha. but there was a really really nice guy at the desk that was like, i'm willing to go the extra mile for you because grown people are sitting here crying and yelling at me, and you, a teenager are super calm. so that was really uplifting and good....made me feel better haha. so he gave me emergency seats - usually reserved for people going to funerals or something - to miami the next morning at 8:30 woohooo!!!! so i slept in the airport that night, and then got up, put deodorant on, brushed my teeth, and went to the booth. and then....flew to miami!!! YAY!!!!!!! and got home!! oh....after sitting next to an indian guy who was coughing super loud and brushing up against me. lame. but oh well. and yeah!!!
it was an AMAZING trip....and i can't wait to go back. YAY!
July 12 - So today I got to the airport, was REALLY nervous for a while, but then finally got my ticket and got through security and was alright. There were at first 2 snobby girls sitting beside me talking about seeing something gross while they were drunk. It was kind of annoying, but then they left and a Swiss lady sat next to me who spoke Spanish, and she was really nice. She even bought me a hot dog haha. Shes going back to Switzerland. Shes actually Haitian i think, and speaks like 5 languages. And then we got on the plane, and im sitting next to a guy from Honduras, going to Belgium. He's really nice and was telling me how they missed thier flight and they lost his luggage. :( Hes an international financial person - going to discuss free trade. And then in our row we have a 7? year old french girl who's eally cute, but doesn't speak english. we were trying to help her w/Soduko, but yeah. And then we got our food. it wasn't that great - i had fish because they ran out of beef. The sunset was AMAZING today. it was red then orange, then there was a strip of cloud...and then it went blue-green, and then almost electric blue. I didn't get a chance to get a picture, but it was beautiful.
July 13 - So....i missed my plane today for Florence because our plane from Miami to France was late. but it turned out pretty cool because i met this really nice Slovakian guy named David. :) We talked for about 2 hrs, waiting for our new flights. He studied english in Ft. Lauderdale. I didn't get his email or anything though. :( So now...Im pretty much on my own....I get into Florence @ like the lady i was supposed to meet will be gone. That means i have to get a train by myself to Castelfiorentino. Ahh!!! France is cool, I haven't been able to see much of it though, since i've just been in the airport.
After getting on the plane - we walked up steps - pretty sweet! i went to sleep and got off in florence. after that, i finally found a money-changing place w/the help of some new yorkers, got on a cab with a nice old taxi driver and got to the station. I waited in line for a while, but finally got a ticket for the train, and then i met up with 2 of my group!!! it was cool. i prob. wouldn't have made the train w/out their help. We took the train and some guy kept staring at me (kinda cute guy lol!) and then our team leaders met us there!! it was great! We have 10 people in our group - 13 with everybody. The place is SUPER nice, and everybody's pretty nice. I'm rooming with a lady named Kim. she's funny. :) We had dinner after getting situated and having a toast ( i drank tea lol). OH MY GOSH the food was M-AZING! Our cook is named Francesca - really nice and cooks really really good. We had pasta w/succhinni, cheese, tomatoes, bread, and for dessert a chestnut flour cake. Different, but goooood.
July 14- This morning we got up @ 7, had breakfast, and then learned about the excavation. we walked to the dig and started, which was pretty cool. Another team found walls and stuff, so we're continuing and digging up new stuff. We stopped at 1 because it was raining, and had lunch. It was also really good, except there was rice and seafood - weird seafood lol with little octopi in it haha. but then we were served eggplant, cucumbers, bread, cheese, and tomatoes with cheese. the tomatoes were GREAT. Now we're on break until 4:30, and then we wash and label pottery. :)
July 15-25 - Didn't write in these days....don't really know why lol. but we dug and dug and dug some more....i found pottery and walls....and more walls...and more walls!! ;) On the weekend, Sat. we went to Siena with me, lucy, and kim, AMAZING!!! we had pizza for lunch, and lucy bought 6 pairs of shoes lol! and then we went back....and on sun me and kim went to florence. we saw the duomo, santa croche, ponte vecchio and the pitti palace, but couldn't see david. and then the next week we did more digging, and got to know everybody. our team members were Kim, Lucy, Betsy, Paul, Montana, Elva, Ruth-Anne, Jane, Evelyn, and me. I liked Kim and Lucy the best. they were prob. the youngest, and the funniest too. Kim was always making jokes, and Lucy was the crazy one. she actually lives in italy - venice area. :) And then the staff were Marya - really really really nice, Benjamin - super cool but he was always messing with me gah lol, and Sabrina, also super cool. :) Oh and the second week i met the students - Yuri, Michele, and Valeria - italian, and Juan, Ague, Lara, and Pablo - spanish. SUPER COOL!!!!! we had sooooo much fun. we went to the pub one night, and they all got drunk and it was hilarious. i learned an italian drinking song there too - you say the month of your birthday and you stand up and everybody's singing (for example, me) april, april, si alchi si alchi!!! and then on. lol oh and you have to chug. so i chugged a coke haha. :)
it was a lot of fun. and then another day we went to San Gimignano - AMAZING town!!!! we went around, and got the best gelato EVER!!! and then kinda broke into a park haha....and went to an old tower that looked out over the city. it was beautiful.
July 26- Today was a nightmare. My flight got totally screwed up, so we - Montana, Elva, Ruth Anne and me - kept trying to call Cheaptickets, which sorta worked, but when we had to transfer to talk to Air France it disconnected. We called 7 times - and nothing worked. Also we tried to call the students - nothing worked. I did get ahold of my dad though and told him about it. I have to call him at about 2, and try to call the students again to get Benjamin or Delia's # to tell them i'm staying another week.
July 27th - So...this morning i went w/ montana tot eh airport and talked to this lady- and she fixed it!!!! i was like oh my gosh thank the Lord!! so now i don't have to sleep at the NY airport, and i get home the same day i leave - which is amazing. So...i'm in Florence by myself right now - at least until 5 - when i catch the train to Castelfiorentino again. so i'm gonna go to the internet place at like 10ish and check email, grap a bite to eat somewhere, call my dad, and just relax after that until my train to Castelfiorentino leaves at 5ish.
Dude - the dig was so much fun. sure there was hard work involved - and some tedious work,, but it was great, and i still want to be an archaeologist. :)
and the students are really cool - except i don't think they're Christians. maybe-maybe- Valeria, but that would be the only person. But they're a lot of fun, and mostly respect my wishes when drinking is concerned. i have tried sips of some stuff though lol.
We went to a pub in Monta Ione one night, and everybody was drunk except me. it was hilarious haha.
and San Gimignano was very very "romantic" italy. cool.
July 28 - Today was actually a good day. Except for almost not getting my luggage and being forgotten at the train station, i finaly found my way to Catignano and met up with everybody. it was really cool. :) And i got my luggage and found the taxi guy, so it all turned out allright. So they got me a bed, and a pillow and sheets - everything. it was amazing. i met the new group - not as commpletely diverse as mine, but good. I'm stayin w/the students now, so it should be interesting. :) Yuri and Agueda flirt way too much, but other than that its cool and everybody's a lot of fun. we went to the same bar as last week - not as lively this time haha!! but i had a Florida - nonalcoholic thing that wasn't that great lol. And i had a sip of Vale's "sex on the beach"lol, and juan's bailey's haha!!! other than joking a bit, not much else happened...oh i met this english girl - nice, but a bit shy. shyer than me anyway lol. but now im at the gym, and everybody's in bed. gnight!
July 29 - Today was a good day. we got up, went to the breakfast bar place, got ready to dig, and did more "pico y pala" haha!! and....energia, fantasia, muro muro muro!!!! lol. and we had a good lunch and had wild boar for dinner - SUPER good. and then we went to our 5 star hotel/palace haha, and the town has movies here on tues nights so we basically got kicked out. and finally the people are midnight. so we went and got gelato, played on a playground, and danced some lol. except juan got a call that his mom was w/someone new, and he said all her men are basically jerks - so he was pretty upset. he wanted to be alone, and said that ague didn't understand him. i felt really bad. :(
July 30 - Today was also a good day. Alex - British girl - found a shield piece and a spearhead - SUPER cool. i wish she would sit with us, but she doesn't. :( But we went to the internet twice - 1st we went to the library and saw beatrice and her boyfriend there, and then later went to castelfiorentino with michele, ague, and valeria. me and ague get along really really well, and we hang out alot. :) tomorrow....i have to pack woohoo!!
july 31 - This morning we ate at the bar again, and went to the dig. we got another place this time, so we actually found things. it was amazing. Pablo found aknife and i found remains of a blacksmith thingy and ceramics. and we got italian coffee today and pear juice - gooooood stuff. :) and then we went to get gelato and went to poggibonsi again, cool stuff. they made sangria today - i had a few sips of it. but we made a club in the room and danced and joked and i basically watched the entertainment. but it was really funny - pablo and yuri were dancing really funny and then the guys danced like old men haha!! and we did a conga line haha....and another time michele, valeria and i dressed in blue and danced to the blue was quite amazing. oh and we played soccer in the gym!!!
Aug 1 - That morning i got up, packed everything, and went with the students to the dig. we worked in the morning...i was in the cistern haha :) and then ate lunch and slept, and then in the afternoon worked again, and had to leave at 5. :( :( :(!!!! i said goodbye to everyone, and it was hard leaving all my italian and spanish friends...and the staff too. but me, vale, and michele all rode the train to florence, where vale was taking the train to venice to visit her family for the weekend and michele was meeting friends. i went to dinner with him and his friends after putting my luggage in the nunnery, and then realized i didn't have any money. we searched and searched for an atm or a bank that worked or that was open....and there were NONE. it was horrible. so i asked the nun to let me have a few more min. to find one, but we still couldn't find one....and the nun said i had 10 min to find a bank or else i had to stay somewhere else. AHH!! so finally michele and his friends loaned me money....70 euros!! that's like.....120 dollars. a lot. i am really grateful. and i said bye to them, and then stayed awake because i didn't want to oversleep....and then left for the airport in the morning in a taxi.
Aug. 2 - So i got up, left for the airport, and got my tickets to Paris, NY, and Miami. I left Florence and sat next to an italian girl, and we talked for a while, and i saw the Alps!!! SOOOO cool.....and then got to France and found my connecting flight to NY....and sat there for like 2 hours. this is when i saw the olympians from Senegal but didn't talk to them haha. I got on my flight and proceeded to sit next to a French guy that i don't think spoke english, but i talked to some italian guys next to him who were visiting new york. :) and i watched a whole bunch of movies on that flight too lol. at the end of the flight though, we had to circle over the airport in NY because of too much traffic and then bad weather, so we had to stop in Philly to get gas and wait till the weather got better. soo....we stayed there for like 3 hrs.....and then flew to NY. by then i'd already missed my plane, so i had to get another one....which was for the next morning haha. but there was a really really nice guy at the desk that was like, i'm willing to go the extra mile for you because grown people are sitting here crying and yelling at me, and you, a teenager are super calm. so that was really uplifting and good....made me feel better haha. so he gave me emergency seats - usually reserved for people going to funerals or something - to miami the next morning at 8:30 woohooo!!!! so i slept in the airport that night, and then got up, put deodorant on, brushed my teeth, and went to the booth. and then....flew to miami!!! YAY!!!!!!! and got home!! oh....after sitting next to an indian guy who was coughing super loud and brushing up against me. lame. but oh well. and yeah!!!
it was an AMAZING trip....and i can't wait to go back. YAY!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I'm leaving for Italia in 2...i repeat....2 dayyyyys!!! AHHH!!!! EXCITED!! but also very nervous...because i have to stay on a plane for 8 hours to paris, change planes there, and fly 2 hours to italy, then wait for a lady there, and catch a train to the little town where we're staying. so, prayers would be GREATLY appreciated. :)
So tomorrow, i have to pack mostly all day, except i'm going to chelsea's party in the afternoon. but in the morning and night....i'm packin. WOOHOO!!! and then on sat, i have to get up kinda early to make sure i have everything and leave for the miami airport at around 11:30 so i get there at 3ish, since my plane leaves at 5:30.
the beach today was great. especially in the late afternoon...when there was wind and it wasn't hot....soo nice.
So tomorrow, i have to pack mostly all day, except i'm going to chelsea's party in the afternoon. but in the morning and night....i'm packin. WOOHOO!!! and then on sat, i have to get up kinda early to make sure i have everything and leave for the miami airport at around 11:30 so i get there at 3ish, since my plane leaves at 5:30.
the beach today was great. especially in the late afternoon...when there was wind and it wasn't hot....soo nice.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Last relaxed week for 3 weeks
So this is the last slow week before i leave for italy, so i need to take advantage of it haha.
Next week, i have to pack. woohoooooooo!!!!!!!
I think we're going to go see get smart this week, and then i want to see wanted sometime too, so we'll see how it goes.
oh yes, and when caleb gets back, we're filming more of the video yay!
and...that's about it this week i think. other than hanging out with certain weird people i call friends....haha. OH!!! just remembered something.....gotta go lol!
Next week, i have to pack. woohoooooooo!!!!!!!
I think we're going to go see get smart this week, and then i want to see wanted sometime too, so we'll see how it goes.
oh yes, and when caleb gets back, we're filming more of the video yay!
and...that's about it this week i think. other than hanging out with certain weird people i call friends....haha. OH!!! just remembered something.....gotta go lol!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Looooonnngg but very fun week :)
Sunday - set up for the concert and scott's last day
so...we went to church and hung out w/scott a little before he left, then worked at the church setting up for the concert on mon. not very exciting, just busy. oh, and then i cleaned the vojaks house with my mom.
Monday - CRAZY day.
We met up with Article One at the church, where we started doing wacky things, and Dave gave me a random guy as a boyfriend, which turned out to be evan. weird. ;) then...we watched a little soccer and met the other bands, and then we started the concert, which was fun. i didn't get a lot of pictures though. oh and we gave a1 the poster britt nicole signed, and mark was like...i wanted her phone was funny. :)
after the concert, me and emily stayed at the vojaks and talked until 3 in the morning. it was amazing. but then we were really tired when we got up, which was about 6:30 for some reason.
Tuesday - Beach day
So...we got up at 6:30 in the morning and cleaned a bit, and then left for the beach. it was a lot of fun, especially the frisbee game and watching the guys mess around with each other. my sunglasses broke though. :( after that, we watched soccer, ate, played rummykub, and then i had to leave to pick up the vojaks, which turned out to be at 1 in the morning. so i got home at 2 haha. :)
Wed. - we just had lunch at forrey's with the guys before they left, which was really funny with matt, the waitress, and the salt...and then dave and mark tried to pick up my mom's car lol. it was pretty great. and then we said our goodbyes, and me and emily watched delta farce so we wouldn't get depressed....but we ended up being really tired so we stopped it.
thurs. - we cleaned up the church, and then went swimming woohoo...and i got sunburned. gah.
fri. - we have a meeting tomorrow at 10, and then we have band practice, and then....i have to babysit. woohoo.
but it was a VERY fun week. :)
so...we went to church and hung out w/scott a little before he left, then worked at the church setting up for the concert on mon. not very exciting, just busy. oh, and then i cleaned the vojaks house with my mom.
Monday - CRAZY day.
We met up with Article One at the church, where we started doing wacky things, and Dave gave me a random guy as a boyfriend, which turned out to be evan. weird. ;) then...we watched a little soccer and met the other bands, and then we started the concert, which was fun. i didn't get a lot of pictures though. oh and we gave a1 the poster britt nicole signed, and mark was like...i wanted her phone was funny. :)
after the concert, me and emily stayed at the vojaks and talked until 3 in the morning. it was amazing. but then we were really tired when we got up, which was about 6:30 for some reason.
Tuesday - Beach day
So...we got up at 6:30 in the morning and cleaned a bit, and then left for the beach. it was a lot of fun, especially the frisbee game and watching the guys mess around with each other. my sunglasses broke though. :( after that, we watched soccer, ate, played rummykub, and then i had to leave to pick up the vojaks, which turned out to be at 1 in the morning. so i got home at 2 haha. :)
Wed. - we just had lunch at forrey's with the guys before they left, which was really funny with matt, the waitress, and the salt...and then dave and mark tried to pick up my mom's car lol. it was pretty great. and then we said our goodbyes, and me and emily watched delta farce so we wouldn't get depressed....but we ended up being really tired so we stopped it.
thurs. - we cleaned up the church, and then went swimming woohoo...and i got sunburned. gah.
fri. - we have a meeting tomorrow at 10, and then we have band practice, and then....i have to babysit. woohoo.
but it was a VERY fun week. :)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
two blogs in one day...crazy
so....i just got in a crash like 2 hours ago woohoo. not fun at all. so the guys that hit me were both for the hit and run with me and a suspended license for a dui, and the other for an outstanding warrant.
God is amazing, because a whole bunch of glass flew at me and none of it cut me. i keep finding it in my shoes and my pants though lol.
my front passenger side door is basically shot though. the glass is gone though, and theres a HUGE dent lol. well, gotta go, talk to you guys later.
God is amazing, because a whole bunch of glass flew at me and none of it cut me. i keep finding it in my shoes and my pants though lol.
my front passenger side door is basically shot though. the glass is gone though, and theres a HUGE dent lol. well, gotta go, talk to you guys later.
yay :)
The last two days have been.....HECTIC.
we got to gainesville, did a WHOLE bunch of stuff, met a bunch of people, talked about majors, minors, residence halls, financial stuff, entymology, fine arts, science..............yeah. and then, we got our roommates, which mine was suuuuper cool, and had a party in the downstairs of the hall with food and music and such lol. After that, we took showers and went to our rooms, where i found out my roomate was ethiopian, really cool, a christian, and likes the exact same kind of music i do. i was happy. :) and then...we got up, ate breakfast, did some more presentation stuff about studying abroad and research, got our classes, which are anthropology, greek history, english literature from 1750 to present, and beginning italian woohoo!!, and then went on a walking tour of the swamp and the gyms and stuff...and saw Tim Tebow on his little scooter!! yay. i didn't see him at first, but all the girls were like OH MY GOSH!!! and then he sped right past me while saying hey and waving, so i kinda couldn't really miss him haha. it was cool though. :)
and then it got EXTREMELY hot, and we were all nasty and sweaty and tired by the time we got to the hub and ate lunch. then.....we did MORE presentation stuff and got our gator 1 cards, bank accounts, car decals, and other fun stuff, and finally......we ended. and went home, and then went to the vojaks, where the dog growled at me. gah. and then slept, and woke up, and the dog growled at me again. WOOHOOOOOO!!!!
yeah. so ok. bye!
we got to gainesville, did a WHOLE bunch of stuff, met a bunch of people, talked about majors, minors, residence halls, financial stuff, entymology, fine arts, science..............yeah. and then, we got our roommates, which mine was suuuuper cool, and had a party in the downstairs of the hall with food and music and such lol. After that, we took showers and went to our rooms, where i found out my roomate was ethiopian, really cool, a christian, and likes the exact same kind of music i do. i was happy. :) and then...we got up, ate breakfast, did some more presentation stuff about studying abroad and research, got our classes, which are anthropology, greek history, english literature from 1750 to present, and beginning italian woohoo!!, and then went on a walking tour of the swamp and the gyms and stuff...and saw Tim Tebow on his little scooter!! yay. i didn't see him at first, but all the girls were like OH MY GOSH!!! and then he sped right past me while saying hey and waving, so i kinda couldn't really miss him haha. it was cool though. :)
and then it got EXTREMELY hot, and we were all nasty and sweaty and tired by the time we got to the hub and ate lunch. then.....we did MORE presentation stuff and got our gator 1 cards, bank accounts, car decals, and other fun stuff, and finally......we ended. and went home, and then went to the vojaks, where the dog growled at me. gah. and then slept, and woke up, and the dog growled at me again. WOOHOOOOOO!!!!
yeah. so ok. bye!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
We are out of schoollL!!! yeay!
and...have had a lot of fun. ;)
today, we went to ft. myers to hand out posters for the concert to random churches haha. we had a gps system called maggie, who was yelling at us.
we got to alva, and laughed a lot because we had to run and ask this old lady who was leaving where the office was. i think we freaked her out a bit lol.
then, we went to a church in riverdale and it was HILARIOUS!!!!
and then............we did a whole bunch of rnadom things....listened to 80s music from walmart next to some random guys in another car who were looking at us strangely, sang a stalking ballad to a motorcyclist, and waved to random people on the road. :) and............. the po po was on the mo mo ridin lo lo with a fro fro. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! amazing.
it was funnnnnnn.
and then....we did a whoole more random things. euyah. likke that. i can't gype. sorry... type.
alright see yous laters.
graduation is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH WAHOOOLY excited. :)
and...have had a lot of fun. ;)
today, we went to ft. myers to hand out posters for the concert to random churches haha. we had a gps system called maggie, who was yelling at us.
we got to alva, and laughed a lot because we had to run and ask this old lady who was leaving where the office was. i think we freaked her out a bit lol.
then, we went to a church in riverdale and it was HILARIOUS!!!!
and then............we did a whole bunch of rnadom things....listened to 80s music from walmart next to some random guys in another car who were looking at us strangely, sang a stalking ballad to a motorcyclist, and waved to random people on the road. :) and............. the po po was on the mo mo ridin lo lo with a fro fro. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! amazing.
it was funnnnnnn.
and then....we did a whoole more random things. euyah. likke that. i can't gype. sorry... type.
alright see yous laters.
graduation is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH WAHOOOLY excited. :)
Monday, May 12, 2008
It's the Promdiggity!!
YEAH! prom was pretty say the least.
I got my nails done with Cathy (there were like 50 billion other high school girls there too), so they're clacking on the keyboard. it's harder to type, but sounds WAY cooler. :)
and then, i took my AP test....AHHH i hope i passed. but enough of stressing myself out. and after that, we celebrated with our class at Rodeo, which was fun with Hobbs and Scott getting wings and sauce all over themselves haha, and mike ordering the Commie sandwich.
After that, me and scott left to go to a meeting for the concert, which was cool except the guy totally passed me over when he passed out tickets. LAME! so yeah. but we met some cool people, and some guy came from Cape LaBelle. weird, but sweet at the same time.
This was all friday by the way, except for nails. that was thurs.
On Sat., we went to Kohl's, which is suuuper cool by the way and i recommend going shopping there sometime...and got our hair done, and then makeup, and then i went home and took pics with my dress and then went to britt's and took more pics.
Then, we got in the limo and went to Alva, where we got a Party Bus!!! took us to the melting pot, which was sooooo good. but, super expensive too lol.
After the melting pot, we went to Prom, it was ok, but dinner was of course much better. :)
on the way back, we wanted to stop by DQ, but it was closed. :( oh well. and then we went to sleep!! YAY!
and on sun....we wore our prom gear to church. it was pretty much amazing. :)
but today was a senior skip day, and i didn't know about it...... :(
and i was disgusted to death by hearing gross stories of people getting messed up and doing stupid crap which got me depressed. woohoo for that. NOT!
but other than that, it was a good day. we got cuban sandwiches from foster in 2nd period, watched movies in bell's class, and did nothing in coe class. YAYAY! it was fun. and i watched save the last dance for the first time today. it's soo good!! :)
and that's all, folks. see ya later!
I got my nails done with Cathy (there were like 50 billion other high school girls there too), so they're clacking on the keyboard. it's harder to type, but sounds WAY cooler. :)
and then, i took my AP test....AHHH i hope i passed. but enough of stressing myself out. and after that, we celebrated with our class at Rodeo, which was fun with Hobbs and Scott getting wings and sauce all over themselves haha, and mike ordering the Commie sandwich.
After that, me and scott left to go to a meeting for the concert, which was cool except the guy totally passed me over when he passed out tickets. LAME! so yeah. but we met some cool people, and some guy came from Cape LaBelle. weird, but sweet at the same time.
This was all friday by the way, except for nails. that was thurs.
On Sat., we went to Kohl's, which is suuuper cool by the way and i recommend going shopping there sometime...and got our hair done, and then makeup, and then i went home and took pics with my dress and then went to britt's and took more pics.
Then, we got in the limo and went to Alva, where we got a Party Bus!!! took us to the melting pot, which was sooooo good. but, super expensive too lol.
After the melting pot, we went to Prom, it was ok, but dinner was of course much better. :)
on the way back, we wanted to stop by DQ, but it was closed. :( oh well. and then we went to sleep!! YAY!
and on sun....we wore our prom gear to church. it was pretty much amazing. :)
but today was a senior skip day, and i didn't know about it...... :(
and i was disgusted to death by hearing gross stories of people getting messed up and doing stupid crap which got me depressed. woohoo for that. NOT!
but other than that, it was a good day. we got cuban sandwiches from foster in 2nd period, watched movies in bell's class, and did nothing in coe class. YAYAY! it was fun. and i watched save the last dance for the first time today. it's soo good!! :)
and that's all, folks. see ya later!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Grad Bash weehoo!
Grad Bash was a BLAST. on the bus on the way over, we watched Juno but it kept skipping so we called it a remix and watched Chuck and Larry instead - hilarious....
and then at the park, we met up with britt, and got food then went to some of the clubs where they played...walk it out, apple bottom jeans, and other random songs like that. me and julian danced (well i tried to dance) to walk it out....i tried to do the walky thing and he tried to teach me...but it didn't really work lol. i ended up doing something between the moonwalk and the twist. haha.
and then....julian stayed at the club and we went to different ones, which were a bob marley one (they didn't even play ONE bob marley was LAME.) and a latin one (that one was fun though lol). and then we waited in a huge crowd to get in the park while people butted using a great strategy lol....they were like MOM!! MOM!! and they got in front of a big group of people, including us. we were kinda mad...but then we realized it was really funny and started cracking up.

And then, we got in the park, and britt and benito went on the hulk and me and cathy (the chickens) went to spiderman and rode that, then walked around the whole park and talked some people and got pictures and had people jump in them with us. that was pretty funny lol. i was taking a pic of cathy, and a group of like 4 guys came up and kept going WOOHOO!!! when i tried to take it, and then they asked if they could jump in the pic, and we were like sure and they did retarded poses around cathy. it was hilarious.
after that, we rode dr. seuss rides and other random things, and met up with the group after the hulk. they wanted to ride dr. doom, so we went to the spinny ride and had fun spinning when it wasn't moving.
After that, we went to islands of adventure, met up with John and Daniel (sooo much fun), and watched hellogoodbye and then rode the mummy, a very good ride, me and John were screaming our heads off lol. then we watched rihanna and met the lead singer of hellogoodbye and did basically the same thing as david crowder. :( we felt bad but then we were like, well he was standing there by himself wearing the same exact clothes, so he brought it on himself lol. and then we ate, and then went and waited for them to eat, and then left. it was a very very fun night lol.
and then at the park, we met up with britt, and got food then went to some of the clubs where they played...walk it out, apple bottom jeans, and other random songs like that. me and julian danced (well i tried to dance) to walk it out....i tried to do the walky thing and he tried to teach me...but it didn't really work lol. i ended up doing something between the moonwalk and the twist. haha.
And then, we got in the park, and britt and benito went on the hulk and me and cathy (the chickens) went to spiderman and rode that, then walked around the whole park and talked some people and got pictures and had people jump in them with us. that was pretty funny lol. i was taking a pic of cathy, and a group of like 4 guys came up and kept going WOOHOO!!! when i tried to take it, and then they asked if they could jump in the pic, and we were like sure and they did retarded poses around cathy. it was hilarious.
after that, we rode dr. seuss rides and other random things, and met up with the group after the hulk. they wanted to ride dr. doom, so we went to the spinny ride and had fun spinning when it wasn't moving.
After that, we went to islands of adventure, met up with John and Daniel (sooo much fun), and watched hellogoodbye and then rode the mummy, a very good ride, me and John were screaming our heads off lol. then we watched rihanna and met the lead singer of hellogoodbye and did basically the same thing as david crowder. :( we felt bad but then we were like, well he was standing there by himself wearing the same exact clothes, so he brought it on himself lol. and then we ate, and then went and waited for them to eat, and then left. it was a very very fun night lol.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
two extremes of a long weekend
Soo....the surprise party was amazing. thanks guys. love you!!
some cool and funny things that came out of that:
"that's what she said"
polo marco...big huge splashes made by 4 people jumping in the pool at once...and cody
glittery things....woohoo!
Oye como va......da da da...
and more.
Friday was an extremely good day, but also a lot of death seems to have been going on this weekend, which is not good at all. It's really sad. Joe Crockett, Wes and Hobbs's grandpa died last week and his funeral was today. Their mom said they were really close to him and their dad's taking it hard. Also, Jessi's "cousin" Dustin committed suicide because of a long sad thing that happened, so that's extremely hard also. And Britt and her family, especially the parents of Casey need a lot a lot a lot of prayer.
In times like these it's hard for me to praise God and still worship him, because i'm like....why didn't He save them? he's all mighty right? this is something i struggle with, probably because of my mom dying. i hope to conquer it one day. I know that God allows things to happen to strengthen others, but i can't help but wonder at all the grief and sorrow this is causing, and how that can possibly help people.
But then i look at my own life, and how God has blessed me through it. I mean, i am blessed with being in a 2 cultured family and being able to know 2 languages fluently, having 3 sets of grandparents, having friends from all over the place, and just being blessed to be able to relate to all kinds of people. I know that if my mom hadn't died, God still would have blessed me, but in other ways. He made a really really bad thing come out for better than any of our family could have expected at the time. I guess i just need to learn to trust God even when things are hard, and not doubt every time things turn rough. So, just pray for me to lose doubt and to gain more faith. thanks guys. that was probably the most open about my feelings i've been in a long time lol. and Britt, we're all praying for you guys and we love you.
some cool and funny things that came out of that:
"that's what she said"
polo marco...big huge splashes made by 4 people jumping in the pool at once...and cody
glittery things....woohoo!
Oye como va......da da da...
and more.
Friday was an extremely good day, but also a lot of death seems to have been going on this weekend, which is not good at all. It's really sad. Joe Crockett, Wes and Hobbs's grandpa died last week and his funeral was today. Their mom said they were really close to him and their dad's taking it hard. Also, Jessi's "cousin" Dustin committed suicide because of a long sad thing that happened, so that's extremely hard also. And Britt and her family, especially the parents of Casey need a lot a lot a lot of prayer.
In times like these it's hard for me to praise God and still worship him, because i'm like....why didn't He save them? he's all mighty right? this is something i struggle with, probably because of my mom dying. i hope to conquer it one day. I know that God allows things to happen to strengthen others, but i can't help but wonder at all the grief and sorrow this is causing, and how that can possibly help people.
But then i look at my own life, and how God has blessed me through it. I mean, i am blessed with being in a 2 cultured family and being able to know 2 languages fluently, having 3 sets of grandparents, having friends from all over the place, and just being blessed to be able to relate to all kinds of people. I know that if my mom hadn't died, God still would have blessed me, but in other ways. He made a really really bad thing come out for better than any of our family could have expected at the time. I guess i just need to learn to trust God even when things are hard, and not doubt every time things turn rough. So, just pray for me to lose doubt and to gain more faith. thanks guys. that was probably the most open about my feelings i've been in a long time lol. and Britt, we're all praying for you guys and we love you.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Last day of being a minor....
AHH! excited. These are all the things I can do when I'm 18:
1. Sign my own papers
2. Buy Lottery tickets
3. Vote
4. buy cigarrettes brittany and emily.... i'm NOT buying you cigarettes. lol just kidding. (about the part about you wanting them) ;)
5. be "legal" as jon michael would say.....
6. and um....that's about it i think. YAY!
well actually, we had a pretty fantastic idea this morning in church. Scott and Cody said i should go buy a pack of cigarettes and then make a video about anti-smoking and destroy them. i'm thinking this is a pretty great ;)
1. Sign my own papers
2. Buy Lottery tickets
3. Vote
4. buy cigarrettes brittany and emily.... i'm NOT buying you cigarettes. lol just kidding. (about the part about you wanting them) ;)
5. be "legal" as jon michael would say.....
6. and um....that's about it i think. YAY!
well actually, we had a pretty fantastic idea this morning in church. Scott and Cody said i should go buy a pack of cigarettes and then make a video about anti-smoking and destroy them. i'm thinking this is a pretty great ;)
Monday, April 7, 2008
Banana Republics....beachy stuff!
It was the first day of school today after Spring Break. It was sad. :(
We got a buttload of homework today....let's see....
1. a Study Guide - they take like an hour.
2. 2 Chapter Outlines - they take 2-3 hours each....AHH...
3. A research paper on 6 different people - is going to take like 2 hours.
and i'm on the research paper and haven't done the study guide yet. wooh!
And i'm listening to Jimmy Buffett. WOOHOO!
tomorrow we have a quiz! fun fun. not really. but now i feel really really sleepy...Jimmy buffet has really relaxing music. so i better switch songs now so i don't go to sleep and get back to work. ;)
see ya!
We got a buttload of homework today....let's see....
1. a Study Guide - they take like an hour.
2. 2 Chapter Outlines - they take 2-3 hours each....AHH...
3. A research paper on 6 different people - is going to take like 2 hours.
and i'm on the research paper and haven't done the study guide yet. wooh!
And i'm listening to Jimmy Buffett. WOOHOO!
tomorrow we have a quiz! fun fun. not really. but now i feel really really sleepy...Jimmy buffet has really relaxing music. so i better switch songs now so i don't go to sleep and get back to work. ;)
see ya!
Monday, March 31, 2008
so...the concert was pretty much amazing. except i'm still SUPER tired...for one, i went to sleep around 1 or 1:30, and then Kenny and Tristan and my dad woke me up by being loud at like 7, so i was like.....URGH. but yeah. and i have to do home work....and i don't want to. but....back to the concert. um....Starlit Platoon went first, i didn't see them, but they sounded pretty good. Then was Britt Nicole, and she was good, and then KJ52 or kajafatoo. he was good...except he's a liar. big time. goodness. his mom was nice. and then was DISCIPLE....amazing. that is all there is to say. and that i lost a bobby pin. :( but it was worth it. ;) and then.....superchick....pretty great if i do say so myself. i liked the talk box. and they should soo get a didjeridoo. that would be amazing. so yeah...gotta do homework now, bubububye now. ;)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Emily!! yay. She's 17!!!! woop woop. we are all the same age....for like a month lol. But...i'm sitting in my room, doing a STUPID project that's due tomorrow, and it's almost 11:00 already. and i'm not even probably halfway done yet. so...yeah.
ding dong.
by the way...i'm a martian....from martia.
and mike is sitting across from me.
those are some of the random things we come up with when we hang out. weird...but great at the same time. ok....i took a break. now i have to go back to work. wah. well, good night.
ding dong.
by the way...i'm a martian....from martia.
and mike is sitting across from me.
those are some of the random things we come up with when we hang out. weird...but great at the same time. ok....i took a break. now i have to go back to work. wah. well, good night.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
School = Nada....for 3 DAYS!!!
i'm pretty happy. woop woop! but anyway, i'm sitting in my room....doing whatever....and i'm grounded. well, sorta kinda. my parents don't really know what grounding is, so they just take a whole bunch of privileges away and yeah. but then they usually give most of them back in the next month or so lol. but...i have a museum to build for history. woohooo!!! it should be fun, and then there's lunch tomorrow with AP people, and lunch on thursday with the bestie friendies. YAY! but other than that, just homework...studying....and other random things mom wants me to do around the house. so yeah, i should probably get started on those. adios amigos!
Anna Banana
Anna Banana
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Production (for me) = a miracle.
Today was a miraculously productive day for me. Seriously. It was actually kind of scary. And it's still scary, because i'm getting more things done too.'s a list of all i got done today:
1. got my time sheets signed (FINALLY) and turned in.
2. got my transcripts and test scores from Mrs. Williams
3. talked to mrs. spratt about clearing up some confusion about the clep stuff
4. did 8 scholarships WOOHOO...
5. went to the easter cantata thingy....
6. got gas
7. i am doing my homework
8. and will do invitations for NHS induction.
craziness. i'm NEVER EVER this productive. ever. wow. it was weird.
Anner Bananer ;)
1. got my time sheets signed (FINALLY) and turned in.
2. got my transcripts and test scores from Mrs. Williams
3. talked to mrs. spratt about clearing up some confusion about the clep stuff
4. did 8 scholarships WOOHOO...
5. went to the easter cantata thingy....
6. got gas
7. i am doing my homework
8. and will do invitations for NHS induction.
craziness. i'm NEVER EVER this productive. ever. wow. it was weird.
Anner Bananer ;)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Crazy Coolness.
ahhh.....soooo excited. LALLALALALALA!!!!!
ahhh.....soooo excited. LALLALALALALA!!!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Random Comments of an Overtired Mind
Today...i was really really really really really bored. Because i didn't go to school. Because i was sick. :( but i got all my homework done, which is good, and yeah. i'm not going to the elementary school during the next few days, because i don't want to get the kids sick. they got me sick. goodness. anyway, i'm kinda tired, and i think i'll go to bed soon. Tomorrow will be a long day. We have school...then Math Team....then the Ash Wed. service....and then practice. dang. oh well. hope i don't have a lot of hw. :) Emily and Brittany...since you're like the only ones who read this....we need to do something. sometime soon. that is the most random thing ever. a sample label is scooters. who comes up with these?? garsh. i gonna get the warsh in. hee hee. ok...i think i'm going to bed. good night, and remember...God loves you. i don't think we actually realize this enough. i mean, we're like...God loves you, or Jesus loves you, but we're like, oh ok...but he loves us unconditionally. craziness. just a thought. well, good night my friends.
Anner Sickly Bananer lol
Anner Sickly Bananer lol
Saturday, January 26, 2008
NHS convention...wooh!
so...we're watching a movie and sleeping in the hotel room right now. everybody's super tired, and we have another thing in like an hour and a half. wish i could skip it lol. but overall it's been pretty fun. we met some really cool people, and had a lot of fun. :)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
ummm....excited. :)
on Friday....we're working at a concert!!! YAY! i love working concerts. it's super a lot of fun. and plus...a very big plus...Skillet's going to be there!! and Barlow Girl, and we haven't seen them in ages! YAY!
and yeah. so it will be fun...and i'm excited.
so booyah.
i don't know why i said that......
it's a really fun word to say though.
k i'm done.
and yeah. so it will be fun...and i'm excited.
so booyah.
i don't know why i said that......
it's a really fun word to say though.
k i'm done.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Life is crazy. One day, you're thinking about a new haircut you're going to get, or who you're going to hang out with, and the next day you're gone. just like that.
Today was a horrible day, but i'm sure God will make it somehow for His glory, even though i can't possibly imagine anything good from this.
First of all, at about 10:00 this morning i got a call from a lady that used to live near here, saying that a good friend of ours passed away last night. We had always said we were going to go visit here after she left Labelle, but we always made up some excuse to not go, or had random reasons why we just couldn't or didn't. now, i really really wish i hadn't done that. i wish i had spent more time with her and had listened to her stories.
Then, around noon, i got another call and learned that Meghan and Melissa Kelly had been in a car accident and one of them had been killed. No one knew which, and we heard different things, but learned that Meghan was the one that died. I wish i had spent more time with them, but things can't be changed. It's sad when someone old dies, like our friend Nitin, but when the young die, it's even sadder because they were in the prime of their life, and Meghan had her whole life ahead of her. Melissa was in critical condition the last i heard, and she was on a ventilator.
We went over to Em's, and prayed and just cried over the situation, and it made me feel more at peace, but we don't know if they were Christians or not. I pray they were and are, but i don't know, and that makes me very very sad.
I just pray for the whole family, and for the girls' friends. I pray for Melissa, that she lives and that she's cured. I pray for the truck driver, because i know how hard it is to forgive someone who hit a family member. My mom and grandpa died in a car accident, and i was angry at the truck driver for a long time. Finally, though, i have come to forgive him and now i can feel his pain, and what he has to live with even without our anger at him. I just pray for the whole situation.
Today was a horrible day, but i'm sure God will make it somehow for His glory, even though i can't possibly imagine anything good from this.
First of all, at about 10:00 this morning i got a call from a lady that used to live near here, saying that a good friend of ours passed away last night. We had always said we were going to go visit here after she left Labelle, but we always made up some excuse to not go, or had random reasons why we just couldn't or didn't. now, i really really wish i hadn't done that. i wish i had spent more time with her and had listened to her stories.
Then, around noon, i got another call and learned that Meghan and Melissa Kelly had been in a car accident and one of them had been killed. No one knew which, and we heard different things, but learned that Meghan was the one that died. I wish i had spent more time with them, but things can't be changed. It's sad when someone old dies, like our friend Nitin, but when the young die, it's even sadder because they were in the prime of their life, and Meghan had her whole life ahead of her. Melissa was in critical condition the last i heard, and she was on a ventilator.
We went over to Em's, and prayed and just cried over the situation, and it made me feel more at peace, but we don't know if they were Christians or not. I pray they were and are, but i don't know, and that makes me very very sad.
I just pray for the whole family, and for the girls' friends. I pray for Melissa, that she lives and that she's cured. I pray for the truck driver, because i know how hard it is to forgive someone who hit a family member. My mom and grandpa died in a car accident, and i was angry at the truck driver for a long time. Finally, though, i have come to forgive him and now i can feel his pain, and what he has to live with even without our anger at him. I just pray for the whole situation.
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