Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Life in the Here and Now :)
1st off, i discovered that the guy i was talking about last time doesn't like me like that...or at least "God isn't convicting him of anyone romantically" lol. Soo...now we've turned into kind of like best friends, which is pretty cool i guess. There's a lot less tension with us now, so it's nice. :)
And....what else??
D - Now weekend was this weekend, SUPER fun!!!!
we (me, Rachel, and Rebecca) had 15 6th and 7th grade girls living with us for a weekend haha. it was pretty crazy at times, but very fun. We had tears, laughter, anger, ADD ness....everything. Oh. AND......
But seriously, just pray for those girls that they got something out of what we talked about - the last session we did - we felt really discouraged because the girls were really tired and not focused at all...and it was like THE most important lesson. but we planted the seed, so just pray that it'll grow.
And...I'm goin to New Orleans for Spring Break on a mission trip - that should be a BLAST. i've been sooooo busy with school, practicing, friends, FAITH witnessing, (oh gotta tell you about that too haha), choir and orchestra, d-now planning....just EVERYTHING going on i'm like AHHH!!!!
but it should be all better after this week. it's pretty hectic this week with a test, all my new orleans stuff due tomorrow, gotta buy a textbook, go grocery shopping, Bible study, laundry, a BUNCH of homework.....AHH!!!
but it should be good.
OH!!!! just to let you know and for you to pray that i don't cut myself on thursday lol ;) we're making STONE TOOLS.....US....on thursday!!!!! SOOO EXCITED!!! :D
anyway, yea!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
ok. had to get that out a bit.
God is good. My life has been going amazingly, with a few little cool/weird/confusing as crap - things happening in between that im still very confused about. But my relationship with my Father has improved, and God is just amazing. Just everything He blesses us with - crazy.
I have 5 classes now - Intro to Stats, Intro to Geology, Italian 2, Intro to World Archaeology, and Pompeii Archaeology Lab. SUPER cool, and i'm excited. OH! and my professor for the world archaeology class is looking for volunteers to help archaeologists on campus, so i'm going to talk to him about that this week sometime. :D
I just bought a perfume......ooh la la ;) it's Miss Dior - Cherie hay hay!!!! but yeah.
Ok - i have a couple prayer requests.
First off - Our family is really nervous right now because Costa Rica just had a 6.1 ranked earthquake near San Jose and Alajuela, where some friends of ours live. Also, we can't get ahold of any of our family over there right now so we're not sure what's happening....and it's nerve wracking.
Second - my aunt's mom has CRAZY health problems - like they're surprised she's still alive right now. But she has a hack doctor who is doing basically malpractice, but my aunt's dad is STUBBORN as crap and likes the doctor who's killing his wife. My aunt was asking this doctor why he'd done some of the things he had done, and he got in her face and threatened her. and her dad didn't do anything. So, just pray for that situation and that they finally get away from that doctor and that her father realizes what he's doing.
Another thing - i need patience and wisdom for a certain situation that most of you know about lol - that's the confusing quirk that i was talking about. guy situation. ahhh. i don't know what's going on at all - and i think i might have messed up a little. Also, i'm like terrified of getting in a relationship since i have no experience, so that doesn't help much either ;)
And that's it for now, thanks guys!!! love you all :)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
I had never read this whole prayer before - and it totally describes my life right now. It's awesome. I don't know why most people leave out the rest of the poem - it's super good. But anyway...food for thought.