Sunday, September 21, 2008


So today at church, it was really cool. :) because guess what!!!???? i'm going to be in the orchestra hahaa!!!!! a friend introduced me to the lady that heads it up, and i told her i played clarinet and piano, and she said sure! just come on wed. nights before 43:10 and watch how we do things, and then you can start being in it!!!! AHHH soo excited. :) :) :) and then after that i might be able to get into the band..... yay!
but anyway, that's about it - not much else going on. went to eat lunch after church with kathy, geny, and laura, fun :) i have to clean my room!! again. lol, and then i'll prob. do something with daron and freddy if he's back yay. alright see you guys later!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

nvm lol

soo...nevermind that part. she didn't look super sick when i asked her for help, but she's gone to bed and couldn't eat yeah. i was just cranky and being a mer mer because i couldn't play my keyboard, which i'll have for like my whole entire life. one or 2 days of not playing it is NOT going to kill me.


ok sorry, just had to vent some. it worked by the way and i was just cranky. But, this week has been i'm hoping for a more restful day tomorrow, and daron and freddy are coming back tomorrow, so they can help me do everything that i have to to be able to have enough room for my keyboard. Oh but one good thing that happened this week is that i talked to this guy at another college majoring in missions, and he told me that anthropology is perfect for missions, because its the study of cultures and people. soo...i don't have to change my major, just change my focus and my classes. and then i talked to my professor of anthropology about classes to take for the major, and he told me i can mostly do both - just major in the classics and anthropology - which would be missions....and then i could do archaeology in between w/classics. so that's the update for today. See ya'll later....thanks for listening and sorry i was complaining a lot ;)