Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Production (for me) = a miracle.

Today was a miraculously productive day for me. Seriously. It was actually kind of scary. And it's still scary, because i'm getting more things done too. So...here's a list of all i got done today:
1. got my time sheets signed (FINALLY) and turned in.
2. got my transcripts and test scores from Mrs. Williams
3. talked to mrs. spratt about clearing up some confusion about the clep stuff
4. did 8 scholarships WOOHOO...
5. went to the easter cantata thingy....
6. got gas
7. i am doing my homework
8. and will do invitations for NHS induction.
craziness. i'm NEVER EVER this productive. ever. wow. it was weird.

Anner Bananer ;)


brittanybaker said...

you need to fix your problem about gas..it's not really that nice to announce to the world.


Emily said...

yeah...not cool.

but congratulations on the productive day!

Emily said...

I deleted the comments on accident for my last post because I needed to edit it. SO leave another comment! sorry!